Perfect Peace

Prayer is an essential part of everyday life.​

A perfect peace prayer box is a hand decorated keepsake customized to include a Sentiment/Chapter Name/Verse number on the outside.

Put your prayers down on paper, place them in your payer box and have FAITH that our Heavenly Father is in control.​

Matthew 17:20
He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
(Each box includes a Mustard seed inside a small mini glass bottle with a cork.)

Boxes are similar, no two boxes are exactly the same. Each box is a Treasure Chest shaped wooden box, hand burned/designed then shellacked with Amber or Natural color coating. Each box is flocked on the inside bottom and the outside bottom (​I do not assemble or make the wood box.) 

Sincere prayer helps us establish a personal relationship with God. Making prayer a daily practice can help us perfect that relationship—Whether we pray aloud, or pray silently in our hearts in fleeting moments of need, prayer is a personal form of communication where we can speak directly with our Father in Heaven.

He knows each of us by name and loves us. He hears our prayers and He answers them with wisdom, empathy, and compassion.

We can go to our Father with desperate questions, with humble confessions, or with gratitude; we can pray to better understand Him and His plan for us.

We long to know our Heavenly Father and have a meaningful relationship with Him. We can build this relationship through prayer. Asking for guidance and protection, Healing, Blessings and simply Thanking our Father for his Grace. Creating a meaningful, personal connection. Consistent, sincere prayer helps us to grow spiritually, shape our character, and strengthen our love for our Father in Heaven.

Prayer is among the most valuable gifts we receive as children of a loving Heavenly Father.

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